This is my Now Page (à la Derek Sivers). You all can thank Duncan Rawlinson for getting the idea stuck in my head though.

Got my car back on the road after a short (long) stint as the world’s largest saab shaped paperweight. I had to cut a chunk out of the body under the rear seat to expose the fuel pump access, then pull and rebuild the fuel pump assembly. Been running just fine since then thankfully.

I snagged two 3090s, giving me 48 gigs of vram for local ai experimentation. After spending two years beating my head against the wall with amd hardware, swapping to nvidia was like coming out of a coma. I’m still almost confused when a project just builds. Everything I wanted to do had to go through self compiled drivers, direct-ml, vulkan, opencl, clblast, etc etc etc. Everything needed manual adjustment, many things never had a chance of running, and core tools for the space are just missing when you’re on the amd side of the fence. I need to make something with that 6700xt at some point though – it’s not useless by any means.

Right now I’m focused on:

  • Getting out of the house once in a while
  • Chopping up larger left behind items from the basement
  • Experimenting on an autonomous multimodal construct

Last updated: September 7th

Past Now Pages: